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Photo Essay: The Cathedral of Cologne

In my very first semester of art history back in 2007 I took a class called "The Medieval Cathedral"... not only because I loved Gothic cathedrals ever since I saw one for the first time, but also because my professor had a field trip planned. He had some connections to the stonemasons' workshop, which could offer us a behind the scenes tour. Now, what is "behind the scenes" when it comes to a medieval cathedral? My art historian's dream come true: The roof! The passages above the vaults! The restoration workshop! The triforium! Everything you might know is there, but [...]

By |2013-05-07T04:34:12+02:002012/11/26|Categories: Art History, Photo Essay|Tags: , , , , |2 Comments

The Beautiful Island of Rab, Croatia – In Pictures

The great thing about staying on the islands in the Croatian Adriatic Sea is that it is pretty easy to do "island-hopping". Although staying on one island most of the time, you can easily explore some of the other islands and the main land for attractions like Plitvice Lakes by boat. In the summer season the boat trips in-between the islands, the Croatian main land and even to Italy are offered on a daily basis. However, most of them discontinue in the fall as the sea tends to be less predictable and the wind gets very strong. Luckily, some of the touristic mini-cruises for [...]

By |2013-05-07T04:34:25+02:002012/11/20|Categories: Croatia, Destinations, Europe|Tags: , , , , |10 Comments

Rediscovering Paris

I love "taking advantage" of my friends. This year, I was already hosted by Sarah in London and Kathi in Munich. I admit, I was cadging a little. But I can't help having cool friends, who live cool places -- I just have to go stay with them as soon as they invite me over! And again, one of those globetrotter friends of mine moved to one of the prettiest cities in Europe recently -- and I didn't hesitate for a second when Janina invited me to come to Paris last week! While I'm medieval art historian nerd, Janina studies archeology and [...]

By |2013-08-18T10:30:25+02:002012/11/08|Categories: Destinations, Europe, France|Tags: , , , , , , |14 Comments

Why Prague Doesn’t Suck in the Rain

When Steffen and I arrived in Prague on an afternoon in September, summer was still omnipresent: People strolled along the streets, wearing shorts and flip flops, couples had rented candle lit pedal boats and floated along the Vltava river. It was a magical summer evening in an incredibly romantic city. But overnight -- fall arrived. Temperatures dropped from 27 degrees Celsius to only 15 degrees on the next day. The clear blue sky of the day before was gone. Suddenly everything was just gray. Of course, we were disappointed. The warm afternoon on our first day really got our hopes [...]

Turning 25 in Munich!

25. That is HUGE. Very grown up. A quarter century! I really wanted to do something special for this occasion - which included being as far away from my ugly-passing-through home town Siegen as possible! Luckily, my wonderful friend Kathi invited me to stay with her in June 2012. I had met her during my semester abroad in Lisbon, where we became friends quickly and also went on several trips together. Kathi lives in the city center of Munich - and I couldn't wait to finally come back to Munich at last! To get there, I used Mitfahrgelegenheit which is a platform arranging [...]

By |2013-05-07T04:44:32+02:002012/08/14|Categories: Destinations, Europe, Germany|Tags: , , , , , , |0 Comments

Romania – Of Garlic, Bloodsuckers, and a Wedding

Love writes the craziest travel stories, and this is one of them: Christian was in my class in high school and we have a mutual friend, Diane, whose family is from Romania. Since Christian was really interested in this country, he went there for the summer during his final years of school. Diane introduced him to one of her best Romanian friends, Claudia, and her and Christian became friends quickly. Although they could only talk to each other in English, they kept talking via chat and email after he was long back in Germany… They soon fell in love, and [...]

By |2013-02-27T15:00:56+01:002012/05/31|Categories: Destinations, Europe, Romania|Tags: , , |2 Comments

Hamburg – Two Days in Germany’s Coolest City

After traveling mainly as far as possible (though mostly within the European borders), it was about time I would go get to know my home country a little better. Of course, I moved around a lot already, and had made trips to Munich, Berlin, or Schloss Neuschwanstein with school and my parents, but there was one place that I had been dying to see for a long time: Hamburg. So, the boyfriend Steffen and I decided to plan a fall getaway weekend to Germany’s second largest city back in October 2008. Steffen dug up a cheap hotel, located on the Reeperbahn, [...]

By |2014-06-10T22:47:59+02:002012/05/21|Categories: Destinations, Europe, Germany|Tags: , , , , , |0 Comments

Barcelona, Baby!?

To be honest, this trip was one of my first real city getaways and I've made a few mistakes back then: Choosing the wrong accommodation, the wrong flight company, the wrong priorities when it came to food. But traveling is something you can only learn along the way. This trip was still a lot of fun, but I know we should have done some things differently. What do you think? After our disastrous road trip to France Iris and I decided that we needed to do something a little more structured for our summer 2007 vacation. However, we still were very budget [...]

By |2013-03-28T14:20:32+01:002012/05/07|Categories: Destinations, Europe, Spain|Tags: , , , , , , |1 Comment

The Future Art Historian’s Guide to Paris

I have to be honest, this trip was actually trip organized by my school back in June 2006, which offered all students in my class, who were taking courses in art or French, a trip to Paris. A once in a lifetime chance to go to Paris for a small amount of money to improve my French and see the probably most important art museums in the world?! How could I not say yes to that! You now probably think that I am just showing off some “been there, done that”-attitude, although I had to sit through boring guided tours, [...]

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