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Life Snippets: The Second Half of 2017

Well, I've most definitely run out of good first blog post sentences to excuse my terrible habit of barely keeping up with the blog after almost-not-blogging for two years now. But as I explained in my last "life snippets" post: I still have so many photos lying around and it's just sad to not at least edit my favorite ones and present them somewhere. Thus another diary-style blog post with a collection of my top photos from the second half of 2017. Yes, we're four months into the new year. Yes, I'm fully aware that probably no one cares about [...]

By |2021-12-12T18:35:39+01:002018/04/15|Categories: Specials|Tags: , , |2 Comments

My 2013 Highlights via Instagram

I've done a lot of review posts this year and you might hate me for it already. Fair enough. But I love reading reviews and I also love writing them. The idea of the year ending makes me nostalgic. I like reminiscing. And honestly, I'm one of those 21st century people with the attention span of a Buzzfeed list -- I mean, what offers more entertainment than a list of photos with witty headlines? Especially during the holidays when there's not much time to spend hours reading online in-between all the family dinners? I'm won't go all "27 Inappropriate Outfits [...]

By |2014-03-09T23:46:39+01:002013/12/30|Categories: Specials|Tags: , , , , , |20 Comments

Around the World in Coffees: The 2013 Edition

About one year ago, I collected all my coffee photos from my previous years of travel and combined them in a photo essay called "Around the World in 80 Coffees". This post didn't cover the whole world, nor 80 coffees, but it presented a view of the world through the eyes someone who loves coffee and travel equally. From fantastic Portuguese galois on the beach to spectacularly good espressos in hip London coffee shops like Prufrock, 2012 was a great year in "caffeine travel" for me. So I ended my 2012 coffee post with the resolution to travel more and [...]

By |2014-03-20T09:21:40+01:002013/12/09|Categories: Specials|Tags: , , , , , , |24 Comments

A Whirlwind Road Trip to Switzerland

It's been a while since I've taken a real road trip. Throughout the last years I didn't own a car and as a student you don't really meet other people who can afford owning a car and traveling at the same time. But last Thursday night my boyfriend Steffen had a beer with his friend Sascha, who is going to move to Switzerland in the summer. Since Sascha had an interview at his future school on Monday morning, the guys somehow came up with the idea to take a 24 hour road trip down to Basel. When Steffen texted me [...]

By |2013-05-29T13:03:10+02:002013/05/09|Categories: Destinations, Europe, Switzerland|Tags: , , , |23 Comments
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